- got to catch up with the PP via Skype
- laid back meeting with my advisor - and she's coming to this conference with me, which is fantastic
- new furniture coming so I can get organized in my office area
- great sex
- falling asleep in my bed with only my dog - getting what i need and not being pushed for something that I'm not ready for
- getting a lot of work done
- finished holiday cards
- found great film for my class
- clean home
- fabulous trip to San Francisco
- treated myself to some fantastic new stuff
- almost no traffic
- great sex
- that I organized people to go to this concert tonight and have something fun to do
- having cooked really healthy food earlier in the week that I just had to heat up
- call from Cory
- text from Dave
- guy at AAA who was so excited about my road trip
- friendship with Penni
- snuggly dog
- nice home
- good communication with my family, even though dealing with a rough issue
- my dog to keep me company when i'm sick
- having book club book to keep my occupied without feeling too lonely and my class to look forward to
- opportunities for growth
- fantastic neighbors
- a big bowl of Pho
- being wanted, it makes me feel good and worthy and boosts the ego
- filled schedule
- another date tomorrow
- loose schedule
- got good advice about the future
- another bike ride today
- the flexibility to be able to take a night off
- friend made me dinner last night
- watching the l-word is always super fun - and this dvd jerry bought be actually works
- making plans for thanksgiving in san francisco
- very sweet, snuggling dog
- had opportunity to volunteer but briefly and I was good about boundaries
- amazing film festival surrounded by friends - its so fun to not even have to plan who i'll hang out with, there's just ton of people
- good food, even though i can't stop eating, it all tastes so good
- cab franc wine last night with chocolate walnut cookies...yummy!
- neighbors had me over for dinner
- finished 2 fellowship applications this week!
- friend helping me out with finding sources for my article