- phone call from cousin catching me up on Mom
- Mom's out of the hospital
- there are a lot of people clearly concerned about her, and at least I'm not the only one who doesn't know exactly what to do
- I have the possibility for plans tonight, but no pressure to actually make them - so I can stay at home and work but not feel too dorky
- a peer met me for lunch to give me lots of advice about being on the job market next year
- support of my advisor
- got letter of recommendation from another team member - might get financial support next year
- riding my bike to and from school, feels good to get exercise
- really amazing restorative meditation yoga class last night
- call from Penni to go get dinner
- party afterwards in honor of a peer getting his ma; lots of friendly people
- Penni might come over tonight
- next weekend - already all planned out
- in a week and a half, I'll advance to candidacy
- my sis called me - we're actually becoming friends
- beautiful joshua trees
- being with friends who actually encourage me taking care of myself and are supportive
- that I got medication to take to help me sleep
- meditation workshop
- text messages from friends encouraging me to go out
- snuggles from my dog when I woke up too early from a nightmare
- my fantastic neighbors are home
- having supportive peers
- time alone at home with my dog
- perspective
- a day off if even only because of a migraine
- snuggling with my dog
- stress eraser
- friends who take care of me
- people who stayed around to help me clean up last night
- how good it feels to be surrounded by friends
- dating options
- Cory called
- found great Imago course
- completed draft of my comprehensive exam
- being in my own home in my own bed
- this woman who used to help me out with stuff here has time to do some more work for me
- going to get paid for my work by my research team
- support from a faculty member here
- seeing Jerry makes me grateful that I was strong enough to leave him
- being picked up from the airport, even when time keeps changing
- connecting to strangers about shared experiences
- seeing my dog again!
- being able to open up and just cry if I need to and vent in therapy
- sex that's so good, I have trouble breathing
- being treated right
- this workout bike that has a virtual reality type screen that's very fun