- Massages
- Sushi
- Boot camp on Saturday mornings
- coincidences
- possibilities
- flexibility -- its okay to try an old bad habit once in awhile, to feel the comfort of it, and remember why not to do it anymore
- my kitchen will look fantastic when its done
- fabulous wedding on the beach
- having friends there
- the hope of maybe having a beautiful wedding like that one day, with lots of close friends and family, a gorgeous service, and an amazing location
- fantastic neighbors who'll watch my dog happily even at the last minute
- participating in a supportive White anti-racist group, made up mostly of my friends
- really deep comments by students - I think my class is going very well
- great acupuncture treatment
- sushi
- L-Word party
- flying through work
- fantastic neighbors
- that I can afford new shoes, even though I can't bring myself to actually buys some
- my advisor's giving me first authorship on this paper we'll be presenting and them getting published
- massage
- good therapy session
- taught the first class and it was fun!
- house cleaned
- friend got the job she wanted
- advice from a friend about what to do with dad and the inheritance